Day-by-Day / September 10, 1804

September 10, 1804

Plesiosaur bones

Under a gentle breeze, the expedition makes 20 miles stopping about six miles below the present Snake Creek bridge in South Dakota. Along the way, they collect fossilized bones from a plesiosaur—an aquatic dinosaur. In the afternoon, Corporal Warfington who typically commands the red pirogue, walks the shore with some hunters. Pvt. Shannon is still missing.

A 45-foot Petrified Fish Bone

by Yellowstone Public Radio[1]Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003-2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © … Continue reading

Monstrous Large Fish

we landed and saw lying on the banks on the South side of the River, the Bones of a monstrous large Fish, the back bone of which measured, forty five feet long.
Joseph Whitehouse

Hunting on Shore

Sergt. Pryor who walked on Shore to day joined us informed us that he Saw a large Salt Spring S S 1½ miles from the river, & killed one Buffalow, Corpl. Worvington [Warfington] of the pearogue [pirogue] walked the afternoon on S. S joined us also killed 2 Buffalow
John Ordway



1 Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003-2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © 2003 by Yellowstone Public Radio.

Discover More

  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Day by Day by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2018). The story in prose, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journals: An American Epic of Discovery (abridged) by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2003). Selected journal excerpts, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journals. by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 1983–2001). The complete story in 13 volumes.