Meriwether Lewis leaves Washington City bound for the Harpers Ferry Armory. At Frederick, Maryland, he hires a wagoneer to take the expedition’s goods from the armory to Pittsburgh.
Harpers Ferry Armory
by Carol Stuart Watson
Harpers Ferry Center Commissioned Art Collection (IMS 02853).
Lewis’s delays in shipping enabled him to test his new guns and other items made at the armory (see July 7, 1803).
Lewis Leaves Washington
Washington July 5. 1803.
Dear Sir
On the evening of the 3d inst. we recieved a letter from mr King (arrived at N. York) covering one from Livingston & Monroe to him in which they informed him that on the 30th. of April they signed a treaty with France, ceding to us the island of N. Orleans and all Louisiana as it had been held by Spain. the price is not mentioned . . . . it is something larger than the whole US. probably containing 500 millions of acres, the US. containing 434. millions. this removes from us the greatest source of danger to our peace.
my tenderest love to my dear Martha, kisses to the young ones, & affectionate attachment to yourself.
Th: Jefferson
P.S. Capt. Lewis set out on his journey to-day.[1]Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed 11 June 2022. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas … Continue reading
Frederick Wagoneer
12. O,Clock. Harper’s Ferry July 8th. 1803.
Dear Sir,
on the evening of the 5th. at Fredericktown I engaged a person with a light two horse-waggon who promised to set out with them this morning, in this however he has disappointed me . . . .
Your friend & Obt. Servt.
Meriwether Lewis[2]Meriwether Lewis to Thomas Jefferson, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed on 11 June 2022. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas … Continue reading
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Plan a trip related to July 5, 1803:
- Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
- Harpers Ferry to Brownsville (Inspiration Trip)

↑1 | Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed 11 June 2022. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 40, 4 March–10 July 1803, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013, pp. 660–662.] |
↑2 | Meriwether Lewis to Thomas Jefferson, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed on 11 June 2022. [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 40, 4 March–10 July 1803, ed. Barbara B. Oberg. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013, pp. 680–681.] |