While paddling up the Missouri, a sudden storm forces them to take immediate shelter. Hunting ahead of the boats, Clark kills three mule deer. Towards evening, they continue and encamp near present Trenton, North Dakota.
Mule Deer
Odocoileus hemionus
Bitterroot Valley, Montana, 9 September 2009. © by Kristopher K. Townsend. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Sudden Storm
the wind arose, and shortly after became so violent that we were unabled to proceed, in short it was with much difficulty and some risk that I was enabled to get the canoes and perogues into a place of tolerable safety, there being no timber on either side of the river at this place.
—Meriwether Lewis
Three Mule Deer
I killed 3 mule or black tail Deer, which was in tolerable order, Saw Several others, I also killed a Buffalow Calf which was verry fine, I Struck the river above the Perogus [pirogues and dugout canoes] which had Come too in a bend to the L. S. to Shelter from the wind which had become violently hard
—William Clark
Proceeding On Again
towards evening the wind abated and we proceeded on round a point and Camped in a bottom covered with c. w. timber on N. S. came 14½ miles to day.
—John Ordway
Weather Diary
State of Thermometer at rise
Weather Wind at rise
State of Thermometer at 4 P.M. Weather Wind at 4 P.M. State of the River 34 [above 0] fair W. 52 [above 0] cloudy N W. raised 2 in. wind very hard greater part of the day— saw the first robbin. also the brown Curloo.
—William Clark and Meriwether Lewis[1]To assist the reader, the editor of this web page has omitted the date column, clarified the “State of the River” information, and spelled out some abbreviations.
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↑1 | To assist the reader, the editor of this web page has omitted the date column, clarified the “State of the River” information, and spelled out some abbreviations. |