Day-by-Day / September 19, 1806

September 19, 1806

Anxious paddlers

Determined to make it to La Charrette by tomorrow, the men paddle hard stopping only once. After 72 miles, they reach the Osage River and encamp. Many of the men have sore eyes and lips, perhaps from handling so much pawpaw fruit.

A Sight for Sore Eyes

by Yellowstone Public Radio[1]Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003-2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © … Continue reading

Anxious to Reach St. Louis

The 19th, was a fine day, and at day light we continued our voyage; passed the mouth of Mine [Lamine] river; saw several turkeys on the shores, but did not delay a moment to hunt: being so anxious to reach St. Louis
Patrick Gass

Estimated Time of Arrival

we Calculate on ariveing at the first Settlements on tomorrow evening which is 140 miles, and objecet of our party is to divide the distance into two days, this day to the Osarge River, and tomorrow to the Charriton [La Charrette] a Small french Village—
William Clark

A Rash of Sore Eyes and Lips

a very singular disorder is takeing place amongst our party that of the Sore eyes. three of the party have their eyes inflamed and Sweled in Such a manner as to render them extreamly painfull, particularly when exposed to the light, the eye ball is much inflaimed and the lip appears burnt with the Sun, the cause of this complaint of the eye I can’t [account?] for.
—William Clark

Weather Diary

State of the weather at Sun rise Course of the wind at Sun rise State of the weather at 4 oClock Course of wind at 4 P. M
fair S E fair S E

Saw a green Snake as high up as Salt Rivr on the missouri. the limestone bluffs commence below Salt river on S. Side
—William Clark[3]To assist the reader of this web page, the date column is not presented and some abbreviations have been spelled out.



1 Originally aired weekdays by Yellowstone Public Radio during the Bicentennial observance of 2003-2006. Narrated by Hal Hansen. Scripts by Whit Hansen and Ed Jacobson. Produced by Leni Holliman. © 2003 by Yellowstone Public Radio.
2 Moulton, Journals, 8:366n3.
3 To assist the reader of this web page, the date column is not presented and some abbreviations have been spelled out.

Discover More

  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Day by Day by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2018). The story in prose, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journals: An American Epic of Discovery (abridged) by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 2003). Selected journal excerpts, 14 May 1804–23 September 1806.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journals. by Gary E. Moulton (University of Nebraska Press, 1983–2001). The complete story in 13 volumes.