On behalf of Meriwether Lewis, U.S. Army Purveyor of Public Supplies Israel Whelan buys a trunk of dry goods, 30 gallons of strong spirit wine, and six kegs from Philadelphia merchants.
Bottles and Keg
© 2015 by Kristopher K. Townsend. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
Trunk of Dry Goods
Israel Whelen Philada. June 1 1803 Bot. of Wm. Chancellor & Co. 1 Trunk (containing goods for Capt. Lewis) £1 6 3 [Endorsement:] Recd. June 17. 1803 of Israel Whelen Three dollars and 50 Cents in full of the above acct. [1]“Supplies from Private Vendors,” in Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition with Related Documents: 1783-1854, 2nd ed., ed. Donald Jackson (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978), … Continue reading
In the summary of private purchases, William Chancellor & Son provided $119.01 worth of “Dry goods”, the likely contents of the trunk sold on this day.
Strong Spirit Wine
Philada. June 1st 1803 Israel Whelan Esqr. for Cap. Lewis Bot of David Jackson 30 Gallons Strong Spt. Wine @ 233 1/3 $70. 6 Iron Bound Kegs 1.20 7.20 $77.20[2]Ibid., 88.
David Jackson was a Philadelphia druggist.
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